Poets at the Gate
Mimeo, July 1966.
d. a. levy, editor.
WorldCat OCLC 3416418.
Poets At The Gate Vol. 1, No. 4. Mimeo, July 1966.
(January 16, 2018).
"Poems in this issue were from the third reading in this series which occurred on July 1, 1966. Featured readers were D.r. Wagner, Joe Walker & rjs. rjs continued poetry from this reading series with Free Love Periodically Vol. 1 & 2."
(January 19, 2018)
Cleveland Plain Dealer, date stamped Sep 23 (sic?), '66.
Poetry reading at The Gate. d. a. levy in wig (top), Randy Rhody (lower left).
"A POET named Randy Rhody walks to the front of the room.
He is wearing a red woolen sweater and a gold muffler.
He is tall, thin and has long, well combed hair. He reads:
throw your suitcases out in the rain
then hurry like nonsense and vanish
into the night
run faster, faster until you're free
where you can be simply
whatever you choose
they say you are lost
but what they really mean is now they can't bury you
children take care of yourselves
and darken all the grinning time keepers
with their backs to the rainbows"